Monday, October 12, 2009

Welcome from an obsessed baker!!

Welcome to my blog!

In my pre kids and moving to a new town life, I was Marketing Manager in the corporate world in the big city struggling with the work life balance, and when the kids did come, just plain struggling with getting enough sleep, getting to work, playing with the kids etc!! Now I relish in the challenges of being a stay at home mum of two young kids, who loves living in Alice Springs (outback Australia) and to bake.

I started baking cakes and muffins for my family and friends and then provided 'samples' to the staff at hubby's work who acted as my testers/guinea pigs, with the thought in mind of opening a small home-made cake business.

I have been inundated with compliments and constructive feedback as well as requests to provide muffins for meetings and similar, prompting me to realise after all these years of struggling to find a place I "fit" I have found my "hobby", my passion, baking, baking and more baking!

I started this blog so I could keep a record of the cakes I do and share them with friends and family. All cakes are proudly home made, no packets or pre mix commercial goods.

So here goes. This blog is a blank canvas...I hope you enjoy the pics and updates.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I can totally relate. There's never enough work life balance in the corporate world!
