Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Spring time 106

Ah, the final cake in my week at Planet Cake. As the teacher, Jessica Pedemont says, the training wheels are well and trully off!

This cake is huge! Three cakes for the base, followed by one and a half cakes for the top. VERRRYYY TALLL! Major learnings in stacking and ganaching the cake, not to mention the covering of such a tall cake.

Seems to me, many people treat Spring time 106, like a competion and go all out with fancy designs, as the design is entirely up to you.

I decided, given this was moving week in the Wotherspoon household, and I also wanted to get as much out of this as I could, that I would keep it simple and work on my flower making (oh, the dreaded flower making). I also worked with "Bling" for the first time. Love it!

The roses are what they call "quick roses" but given the humidity that week, they could have been called troublesome roses!

Anyway, I had a ball, loved every minute of the week and made some great new friends. Thank you to Jessica, Effie and Katrina (the cleaning fairy). Jessica and Effie, your capacity to share your knowledge is appreciated.

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