Which brings me to combining chocolate and chocolate oreo biscuits into a little bit of heaven! I have been pondering Oreo cupcake recipes for some time, all over my Martha Stewart Cupcake book and the internet and nothing really grabbed me, lots of them just used a vanilla cupcake recipe and added Oreos, not very inspiring. I was thinking of inventing my own but got busy with other things, when loe and behold, a blogger I follow, Ma Cakes, posted a Oreo cupcake recipe using dark chocolate!!! How could I resist.
Luckily, the kind folk in Tennant Creek where in need of some Baked by Kate love!
It started with all these yummy ingredients....brown sugar, butter, beaten egg whites, chocolate, flour and crushed up oreos!
and ended here................
gotta love those mini oreo's you can buy now!!
Very rich and chocolatey (is that a word??), right up my alley!
Thanks Ma Cakes! Her recipe is here.
Right up my alley too!! YUM YUM!!